Friday 10 June 2016

Fighting Sorrow

Fighting Sorrow
Technique: Collage of an old red muslin paper
Printing of a leaf in the centre
 white colour and blue on the border of the leaf
Sorrow is a very personal emotion
It surely differs from one person to another
No matter how positive you are
In such moments nothing works
Its a battle field
Where the enemy and the fighter is the same person
A fight between the mind and the heart
No place for reason in such situation
Sorrow is a state or a feeling which no one knows how many time it will take
Sorrow also reminds you how much you love that person
Sorrow reminds you how much you miss that person
Sorrow reminds you of facts and feelings
Hence I say fighting sorrow for me is very difficult
No one in the world can help someone fighting sorrow
Only emotions and feelings Comes out as result
For me it can be an eternal one

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