Wednesday 1 June 2016

Empty Space


Empty Space

Technique: Oil Painting on wood
Your sudden departure have pierced the heart of many
No one who loved you can accept this fact
No one want to believe it
No heart is ready to accept your departure
All together with you!!!
Many thing have been taken
Many hope
Many wish
Many dream
Many strength
You who were always loving
You who always cared about your surrounding
You who always had a kind word to others
Left an empty space in our life
 An empty space have become part in our heart
A space of grief
No person or richness of the world can fill this empty space
No time can fill this space
No light nor darkness will fill this empty space
Many hearts have been broken just as the woods
Shattered are our feelings
Emotions have become very fragile
Life without you have become grey
Everything is monochromatic without YOU
The idea of not seeing you again make us afraid
Not hearing from you will be a torture
Oh dear Tipap Gopal, I wished you never left us
WHY THIS EMPTY SPACE???????????????????
In our heart you will always be

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