Saturday 4 June 2016

Last Conversation

Last phone call

(Taken in 2015)
 A conversation that will never be forgotten
Which I want to immortalize
Wished it was never the last
I still remember that Saturday 21st May 2016
It was an afternoon.....

I called you
We talk for a while
You asked about "Bolom la ki p dir" "What my dad says"
My reply was he was not happy with what is happening
You told me you saw his face on the video

We talked about our family, about the video.................

You had asked me to tell everybody to pray for you
You also told me "twa si to p fair la priere"............. "you also you are praying"
You as much as our family wanted you back in good health
You know that this was our prayer and wish

You told me how painful the treatment is....
You said about the inf.....................and the antibiotics..
How you felt your lungs while the radiography.............
How you felt it on your bone...............
Wished you had never suffered so much

I told you to be brave
You have always been
How much I miss you
Told you to take care
To have lots of courage
We chat for a while
Like old days

You also talk about the five therapy that you have to do during the following week
You told me you will be back home then you will call
But...................You never came back and never called

Though I know you were suffering a lot you spoke to me as a very healthy man
You made me feel good and happy
You made me feel confident
You made me see that braveness in you
You showed me how positive you are
You had such a power on your voice to convince me that you will be ok!!!!!
I was really happy for having talked to you on that day
Today I feel lucky for having hear from you.................................
You gave me that opportunity

Your Last Words to me was "Thanks for Calling"

                                                                                      Missing you a lot
                                                                                      Thank you

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