Monday 6 June 2016

Good Bye

Why Good Bye?

Last picture I took of You(2015)
On that day you were going back to Scotland
You and aunty came with us near the car
To say Good Bye
We chatted for a while before we had the courage to leave you
I remember the past years when you were going back
You never accompany me to the entrance
But this time you did
I am sure you know Why?
It was very hard on that day to say good bye
You bent down to look at angel
While she was talking to Aunty Bernadette
Yet I could immortalize that moment through this picture
Whenever I watched this picture...........
I was not happy
I felt your good bye as the last one
It has always hurt me looking at you going
It was indeed our last meeting
Last time we talked in person
We hugged each other
Saying Good Bye Several time
A hard and Final Good Bye................
Wished it was not the last

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