Saturday 11 June 2016

Finding Peace of Mind

Technique: Photography
Taken at different time of the day
Edited for Effects
As long as there is love around you
No matter where you go
You will always feel loved
You will never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart 
Love is the most important thing a busy mind need
Just stay away from negativity
Look for positive energy around you
Your mind will be nourished
Finding peace of mind is just a state of mind
You make the decision of your state of mind
Remember there is no greater wealth in the world than Peace of Mind
Peace of mind is an inner quality
If there is no inner peace, no one in the world can give it you
Finding peace of mind is finding oneself
So always be who you are
Think of your principle of life
Never be engrossed in the power of ego and jealousy
Peace of mind will always be there

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