Sunday 29 May 2016

The special one


 The Special One

Those expressive eyes will never be seen
Those eyes have always been expressive
In them, there was many stories, feelings, emotions...........
Your eyes have always talked for you
That smile of yours will be always remembered
Your smile was a jewel
It was so special
A great quality of yours
That  style of speaking will be missed
The way you said "ETAHHH, AIN........" will never be heard
Your laugh will be unreachable
A tune that no one can find again
Your voice will be an eternal echo
Your jokes will be missed
Your words will be more than a treasure 
That way of turning to look back slowly  will be missed
That foot steps will be always imprinted on earth
That style of walking will never be seen
The way you dressed up was unique at every occasion
Your hair style will remain a trend to many
Your taste of fashion was great
A charismatic person
You were the pride of all
Your arrival was a festival
Your departure was never wished
Now no last call at the airport for Mr Gopal  Nursimiloo
You will never be the last passenger on board
But you will be always on board of  many hearts
The special one will never be back

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