Thursday 26 May 2016

A Brave and Most Handsome Uncle

A Brave and Most Handsome Uncle

God have a purpose for all of us
That's why he took you suddenly
Although I will never understand WHY!!!!!!!!!!
How I wish you were still here with us

Thoughts of you linger in my head and my heart cries every moment I think of YOU

Once you asked me if I were crying as you were going back to Scotland.
Today I say yes, will always cry for not seeing you again

As my Uncle-Tipap Gopal you played a special role in my life
Not being my father, you were my pal, my friend, a supporter in different ways than anyone else in my life

A great LIGHT to me

You have been a relative and a friend
One of the few people who were able to do both

You have always been good and loving, I will miss you so much
Can't imagine not seeing you again or saying "Tipap Gopal"
Will miss that caring wise and watchful eyes

In my heart you will always stay not as a memory but as a handsome, brave and loving man

So rest in peace till we meet
In eternity you will safely be.........

LOVE YOU and thank you for everything TIP..............

"29-08-1952 To 23-05-2016"

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